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— Naresh Dhungana

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Education brings us knowledge which is more valuable than money. Information from Science and technology gives us more practical in modern society.

Seeking an opportunity

I am deeply driven to contribute to the realms of physics and precision engineering. Despite my experience and knowledge, I am currently seeking funding to dedicate my time without the looming concern of financial constraints. I've observed how some individuals possess strong aspirations but lack support, while others have the means yet lack interest. This contemplation leads me to ponder the immense value of an individual's thoughts and research to the world. Behind every remarkable achievement, be it from luminaries like Einstein, Newton, Steve Jobs, or the many unsung heroes, lies a collective effort. While one person's imagination and insights spark the journey, it's the collaboration and support that drive the realization of these visions. I hold a steadfast dream of investing my time to positively impact the world. Would you consider extending your help or support in my endeavors? Perhaps there's an opportunity where my skills and aspirations align with your vision. I am eager to discuss further and explore potential collaborations or opportunities. Your consideration and response would be greatly appreciated.

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